Ticket Club

Using Your Membership Voucher

Redeem My Voucher Now

Step 1: Create an account (or log in)

Clicking the button above will bring you to an account creation page.

Enter your email and create a password to continue. If you already have a basic account, just log in (if you haven't already) on this page instead.

Step 2: Enter your code

Type your code into the box and click Apply.

If you need to get to this page later, log in and click the "My Membership" tab, then select the "Redeem a pre-paid Membership Voucher" option.

All set - No more fees!

Upon submitting a valid code, you'll be brought to a confirmation page. For the next year, get your tickets through Ticket Club and save yourself from fees!

Thank you for joining Ticket Club!

Redeem My Voucher Now
Still need help? Email customersupport@ticketclub.com.